


Nutrition courses is the keystone and foundation of health. There is an increasing awareness among people that the only real cure for lifestyle disorders lies in good nutrition and a balanced lifestyle. There are vast opportunities opening up for nutrition professionals. Among nutrition professionals, the key or unique differentiating factor is the knowledge of herbs and superfoods and the integration of ancient wisdom with modern scientific knowledge.

Vedic nutrition courses conducted by Unitus OneHealth open up new horizons for people who want to work in the fields of nutrition, health, health and fitness. The nutrition courses are an amalgamation of both Ayurvedic Truistic principles and modern concepts. They impart knowledge about Prakriti analysis and plan diets according to our dominant bioenergy’s.

If someone wants to upskill themselves through certified nutrition courses in Ayurvedic Diet and Vedic Nutrition or spread the knowledge of healthy eating and a disciplined lifestyle, these courses open up plenty of avenues for them. This is the reason these courses can be pursued by homemakers, students, health coaches, yoga instructors, medical and nonmedical professionals, and to upgrade knowledge.

Job opportunities  for a nutritionist after learning Vedique Nutrition Courses 

1. Clinical Nutritionist  

They can work in a hospital, clinic, or with a doctor. Their job is to plan diet and nutrition for the patients who are undergoing treatments for some diseases.

2. Self-employed nutritionist

This profession can be adopted by homemakers who want to take up a profession from the comfort of their home. It will help to start planning diets for family, friends and professionally.

3. Health Coach

Work at a fitness Centre, yoga Centre, wellness Centre, gym, spa, or Ayurvedic Centre and coach people about the right kind of diet and nutrition who want to do weight loss and fitness training.

4. Health Educator

They can work in a school, college, community Centre, women’s organization, or NGOs where knowledge of nutrition plays a major role in a healthy body.

5. Nutrition Blogger

After learning about Ayurveda, planning diets, and healthy nutrition, a person can start writing about nutrition-based blogs and articles.  They can post them on  social media platform or  the website of  a health-based organization.

6. Sports Nutritionist

They can start working with a sports-based organization, an athlete or work with a  school sports committee. It will help them to analyze the present dietary status of the players  and prescribe the diet and nutrition.

7. Kids For Nutritionist

They can work with a pediatrician or guide mothers on the right quantity and quality of food and nutrition that their child needs for better growth and development.

8. Diabetic educator or nutrition coach in a pain management clinic

These are the two common diseases prevailing among people of all age groups. The nutritionist can work with any of these clinics and plan disease-specific diets.

9. Nutrition Counsellor for Government Agencies

The nutritionists can work for government agencies that are working for social welfare or development and need volunteers.

10. Upgrading/Updating Knowledge

A person who is an academic in diet and nutrition and wants to upskill and update their knowledge and start as a profession should join the Vedique 

 A right guidance from a nutritionist is needed to have  a balanced diet when they get . This improves the nutritional and therapeutic value of the food and maintains a balance of body, mind, and soul. A nutritionist, after learning from Unitus One Health Academy, will be able to plan diets and teach people about the importance of healthy eating. Now learning and earning are simplified due to online courses.

Click Here Personal Nutrition Course

Learn More Click Here Do Nuts make you fat

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